How do I embed video in Blackboard?



Faculty can follow the instructions for each platform below to embed or link to videos in their Blackboard courses. 


Academic Video Online [AVON]


Embed via LTI [no extra logon required once you’re in Blackboard]: 

Select a video AVON and click on the and click on Share above the video.  Click on Copy Permalink.  Copy the Embed via Learning Tools Interoperability [LTI] URL and Paste.  Be sure to check off the This is a Tool Provider box.  Add your preferred citation. 


For more information, see the AVON LibGuide.


Link: Select a video in AVON and click on the and click on Share above the video.  Click on Copy Permalink.  Copy the URL and Copy Permalink URL and Paste into your Blackboard course.  Add your preferred citation. 


Films On Demand [FOD]


Embed: Select a video in FOD and click on the Share icon below the video.  Select the Embed Video Size.  Copy and Paste the Embed Code into your Blackboard course.   Add your preferred citation. 


Link: Select a video in FOD and click on the Share icon below the video.  Select the Link Code. Each segment has its own URL, so you can link to the whole video, or just to a particular segment of a video.  Copy and Paste into your Blackboard course. Add your preferred citation. 


Ambrose [The BBC Shakespeare Plays]


Embed: Select a video in Ambrose and click on the Links & Embedding tab below the video.  Copy and Paste the Embed Code into your Blackboard course.   Add your preferred citation. 


Link: Select a video in Ambrose and click on the Links & Embedding tab below the video.  Copy and Paste the Direct Link into your Blackboard course.  Add your preferred citation. 



Embed: Select a video in Kanopy and click on the Share icon below the video.  Copy and Paste the Embed this video code into your Blackboard course.  Add your preferred citation. 


Link: Select a video in Kanopy and click on the Share icon below the video.  Copy and Paste the Share link URL into your Blackboard course.  Add your preferred citation.

  • Last Updated Jul 07, 2020
  • Views 195
  • Answered By Elizabeth Torres

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